415 NE 105th Street, MIami Shores, Florida 33138 ~ Tel: 305-758-0539
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St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church is a welcoming and diverse community that celebrates the presence of Christ in Word and Sacrament.
Guided by the Holy Spirit and centered in the Eucharist, we strive to bring people closer to God and to one another in the spirit of faith, service and fellowship.


Saint Report

Candidates will choose a saint name to be given to them at Confirmation. They may choose a saint based on their Baptismal name or their birthday, or choose a patron saint of an interest that they have or a saint they admire. The report should be at least one page long. They need to write a one-page report on this saint and must say why they have chosen him or her. They can borrow books from the parish office or go online to Catholic websites including: